Saturday 27 July 2013

56. The Most Beautiful Harbour in the Aegean - Symi

Back on the ferry again - the same Blue Star boat that brought us to Rhodes from Piraeus is now taking us from Rhodes to Leros, via Symi and Kos.

Symi is a very small island only a few kilometres from Turkey and just north east of Rhodes.

It is claimed that its harbour is the most beautiful in the whole Aegean.

This massive ferry is backing into the port area, which is also the main street of the village.

It is indeed a pretty spot. That is Turkey in the background.

Looking down from the rear deck, the man below me is overseeing the chaos on the dock.  Cars are driving off and pedestrians are unloading individual deliveries such as pot plants, garden furniture, cooking oil, bags of flour, bunches of bananas, sacks of onions.  

Trucks are backing on and there are still pedestrians everywhere, including walking or riding motor cycles right in front of the truck!  My heart was in my mouth.
But now, as I write this three weeks later, I have seen it so many times, I am no longer shocked.
Paul has been backing onto a ferry in a choppy wind, with everything a bit unstable, onto a small, four car deck with a small gang-plank and people have walked behind him, in front of him, three abreast along-side pulling suitcases and towing children.  My feeling now is that if they get nudged it is their own fault!

But back in Symi, my heart was in my mouth!

Once the chaos had cleared a little, we had a better view of the street. 

And just when we thought every thing going ashore had gone ashore, and everything coming aboard had come aboard, off drives this car and boat.  Must have liked the look of the place and made a last minute decision.

 We are finally away.

Plenty of boats in the harbour. 

Next stop, Kos.

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