Wednesday 24 July 2013

50. Museo Ferrari - Maranello, Modena

Paul celebrated his birthday on 2 July as we drove across the industrial north of Italy.

Birthday stop No.1 was a little detour to the Ferrari museum in Maranello, just out of Modena.  We had visited the museum in 2000, but it was rather a hurried visit then as we arrived just before closing time, having been delayed by a road accident on the autostrada. 

This time, however, we joined the bus tourists just after lunch. I sat in the very comfortable cafeteria with a book while Paul took his time with the cars.  There were a lot of women in the cafeteria with books!

You may have noticed that there are no photos of cars.  If you'd like some, together with commentary, email Paul direct and I'm sure he'll be glad to share a few or many of the thousands he took.  

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