Saturday 27 July 2013

55. Lindos - Rhodes

Having felt as though we had bombed out in the old town of Rhodes itself, we headed east along the south coast of this large, hot, dry island to Lindos, site of ancient ruins and our first real taste of a Greek island.

We found our beachside hotel.  We had a newish studio on the top floor.

There were a few people around the pool and at the beach, but not many.

We went for a drive along the coast to the end of the island and this array of solar panels, on the ground ....

... and in the middle of nowhere, were the most interesting sight we saw.

There were a couple of cute beaches .....

... with cute beachside taverna ....

 ... serving not so cute Greek, or was it Turkish, coffee but we just couldn't get interested.

It was too hot to clamber over the ruins because you had to walk about a kilometre uphill before you even got there and I just couldn't be bothered.

So we spent three days trying to make advance ferry and hotel bookings on a temperamental internet connection, a few dips in the pool, and a couple of good dinners at the hotel next to ours.

That was Lindos.  That was Rhodes.

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