Sunday 5 May 2013

9. Thongs and rain

Several doubting Thomas' have questioned the accuracy of my reporting on the thongs issue, claiming I had no pictorial evidence of the said lunacy. Well .......

Paul at his computer, planning our outing for the day.

The thongs in question. 

Topping up his Velib bicycle credits outside our apartment in rue Bachaumont.  He's wearing a coat and a hat ..... it must be cold.

Here's me.  It's cold!  Singlet, long sleeved t-shirt, woollen jumper, coat, two scarves, umbrella and boots!

Waiting for a train.  Too cold to walk. Note the footwear.

On the train.  Everyone's staring but he is stalwart.

You can't see anything on the train, so we swap to the bus.  Get on anywhere and see where it takes you.  We have our monthly Navigo pass and for $4.70AUD per day we can go anywhere we like - by either bus, Metro or regional train.  Paul also has Velib bicycles on his pass for an extra $0.10c per day.

This bus only remained empty for a few minutes because it has just left the terminus.

At one point, on one of our bus rides, we circled the Eiffel Tower.

Together with a lot of other buses by the look of it. 

Not too many tourists up the tower today.

Not too many tourists anywhere.


And there go those thongs again, carrying the shopping home in the rain.

Note the lovely Onya - Planet Ark recycled bags (he has the pink one - I have the green one).


  1. Go Paul! The next "step" in this fashion is to wear a different colour on each foot. Jan

    1. Jan, it just so happens I have brought 2 pairs with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
