Saturday 15 June 2013

36. L'Orangerie

Went to Musée L'Orangerie this week to see Monet's Les Nymphéas - the water lilies.

Always stunning and something you must see if you come to Paris.  This is our third visit - you never tire of gazing at this stuff.  L'Orangerie is in the Jardin de Tuileries, next to the Seine and the Louvre.

But, like most of the museums, it is impossible to take photographs which makes it pretty hard for me to show you what I saw.  But if you are a very bad person, like me and hundreds of others, you manage to sneak a few while the attendants are scolding someone else.  

As well as Monet's Les Nymphéas, L'Orangerie has a permanent exhibition of impressionist and post-impressionist works called La Collection Jean Walter et Paul Guillaume.

These two portraits are of Paul Guillaume - a pretty cool dude.  Art dealer and supporter of struggling artists.  The first is by my favourite artist, the Italian painter Amedeo Modigliani. 
(Note: no matter what I do I cannot get these photos to sit inside the formatting, so the photos and writing are out of order. Apologies.)

So ....... do you want to see my clandestine photos?

Four by Modigliani ........

One by Cezanne ........

Two by Derain ......

One Utrillo ....

And one Soutine.  Just love this one, don't you?!

Plus three classics by Pierre-August Renoir .

Pierre-August Renoir (1841 - 1919) self portrait.

Amedeo Modigliani (1884 - 1920) self portrait above, and below, the man himself 5 years before he died.

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