Thursday 22 August 2013

68. The Legendary Montepulchiano - Tuscany

On our journey west from Spoleto via Lago Trasemino to Montalcino, we went right past Montepulciano, probably the best known hill town in Tuscany.  You couldn't help but stop for a look!

I must apologise - my photos of the famous, gorgeous and fascinating medieval hill town don't do it justice.  I was too busy buying things!  

I'm not usually caught up in the shopping thing - but there was very little tourist crap and lots of really nice, unique small shops.  I found a lovely scarf pin and a winter weight scarf - yum!!  

And Paul even has a photo of his purchase!

He was smitten by this hand made mosaic of Van Gogh's Irises.  SeƱor Albo Mazzetti ships his work all over the world, so Paul's treasure will probably arrive home before we do.

Obviously, Montepulciano is high, so the views across the landscape are beautiful.  I am using my iPhone here.  I think you'd need a much better camera to really see the detail in the landscape.

Looking across the town from one of the upper car parks.  You can just catch a glimpse of the castellated mediaeval city walls (top left) that the town outgrew many centuries ago.

Traditionally in the old hill towns, the village is divided into 'quartieri' or neighbourhoods, each having their own jousting flag, shield and colours. Here you can see the blue and white flags of this quartiere - the big archery contest is coming up in one week's time.

While the main roads that are wide enough for vehicles, zig-zag their way up the hill, there are always stepped, joining streets like this for pedestrians, carts, donkeys and of course motorbikes, so you can 'take the short cut'.

The main piazza or city square of Montepulciano, getting back to normal after a large theatrical event the night before.

Oh no!  Not another museum, Paul, or is this one an art gallery?

From quite a high point in the town, looking towards the large, shallow expanse of water that is Lago Trasemino, with two much smaller lakes at a lower level.

It is the same all over Italy - olives and vines with the occasional orchard or market garden thrown in.

Looking back at Montepulciano - as we drove down the mountain - using the zoom on the iPhone.

Same spot, same view, no zoom.  Beautiful, traditional Tuscany!

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