Friday 2 August 2013

59. Lipsi 2 - Some excellent photographs

Yesterday I received some photos from Giovanni and Ivan, whom we met on the little island of Lipsi, a couple of weeks ago.  

The photographs are so good I couldn't resist sharing them.

Giovanni and Ivan are great walkers, unlike yours truly, and they combed all the roads and hillsides of Lipsi that we only skimmed in our little yellow car.   No wonder they were able to get photos like this!

And like this!

We buzzed along the roads too quickly to catch detail.  I guess when you stop at the top of a hill to catch your breath, you also catch the view.

The water in the islands is incredibly clear, and of course the rock is under the sea as well as everywhere else in the landscape.

And the water gets deep very quickly as the hills tumble down into the water.

You can see how close the dark, deep water is to the shore.

The pink glow of sunset behind the harbour.

Ivan and Giovanni stop for a word with Yannis, the sponge seller, in the late afternoon on their way home from the beach.

Another Yannis (pronounced "Yarni"), this time Yannis the restauranteur, delivering our dinner.  Ivan and Paul both had pastisios, which is likes a baked tomato pasta, while Giovanni and I had moussaka, layered eggplant and potato covered by béchamel and baked.  Moussaka is pronounced "moo - sa - ka" with the emphasis on the "ka".  

Thank you both so much for sharing your photographs and your company.

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